Friday, October 14, 2016

Playing life is like playing chess...concentrate and calculate...

Concentrate on the next move...if something feels wrong...

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Wenston DeSue-Author

In working within organizations, among people with different attitudes, personalities, professional viewpoints and even progressive or regressive business states, we tend to forget our first minds.  Today, there are many voices swirling around, making claims and engaging our attention.  What we have to do is stop, take a minute and listen to that still small voice that encourages us to actions.  If we listen to the still, small voice within ourselves, we will find the answers that we need concerning many an issue.  Whether it relates to personal, professional and even spiritual guidance, everyone knows when things are moving in the right direction, stagnated in process or regressing to a virtual standstill.

Life is a series of calculated moves and given the right opportunity, involve decisive action.

This morning, I have decided to take a different tact with these blog posts as for some strange reason, the negatives seem to outweigh the positives. We must all make a conscious effort add positives to the conversation in every area.  All I am going to say this morning is that if something just feels probably is...go with that.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Take your ball and go to the world...kicked out of the group?

Networking 101:  Take your ball and go to the world...
Wenston DeSue-Author

Image result for cartoon of angry child taking a ball
When your networking group becomes "small minded"...take your ball and go to the world...

Have you ever wondered what it would take to build a solid network of contacts, connections or colleagues?  Have you ever thought about what would happen if traumatic experiences in life would cause those connections to dissipate, knowing that you could do nothing about the demise?  What are you going to do?

The other day, I obtained a message from a contact at one of my networking groups that I had not spoken to for several months.  The connection was always a friendly one and a part of a bigger picture in regards to formulating collaborative strategies through the purpose of continued constant contact, both through social media and an annual alumni strategy meeting.  Well, needless to say, some traumatic professional experiences over the past year, have caused the contact to diminish and in an effort to catch up, I contacted my networking group to reconnect.  The group had developed a new public forum that reaches many individuals and although I had been told to resolve those professional issues, there was a hope that I would be welcomed with open arms...not so...

I was told that they had heard about my professional issue and although they appreciated the connection, other members in the group did not see my participation as beneficial.  At first, I was a little put off by the admission, totally disconnecting my networking connection from all social media, but I continue to get updates about their initiatives, asking me and others for continued engagement into the group.

The networking group was established through various academic channels and although requested not to participate in the group, I have decided to take a different tact;  expand beyond the confines of the existing group, but addressing the elitist perceptions cast by the myopic scope of the existing group.  The take your ball and go home mindset does play well in situations such as this.  The results have been resounding.

No review today...just a word of advice...when removed from an existing networking group, don't dismay because your purpose should be to expand to larger, more purposeful groups, thereby resonating resiliency and ultimately success.  So, when I return to the group as I will be invited to their next alum event, I may chose to attend or not.

TPP out!

P.S.  Thanks to all those who follow our little blogpost...our world is expanding daily...

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Peacock faces roughed up feathers...gossip replaces grace...

The Peacock faces roughed up feathers...

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Over the past couple of days there has been continued fallout over the recorded comments of a presidential candidate's treatment of women.  So much so that in current poling, what looked like a 2-3 point difference between candidates, now is more like 10-12 points.  The comments, although recorded close to 10 years ago, give a peak into the perceptions of the candidate's views as they mount continued challenges to their opponent.  Organizationally, pundits have tried to chalk the comments up as "locker room" banter, but it still gives pause.  But that is not the topic of discussion this morning.

Organizationally, the issue now has transferred to the news anchor, who gave the interview during that time period.  Currently, under suspension from a highly rated morning news show, the anchor has been quieted by the network.  However, it has become a more interesting scenario that his approving comments during the interview, has now fostered internal strife concerning his continued contribution to the NBC organization.

On's Top Stories segment, there is an article "Today Show Coworkers Want Billy Bush Out: 'It Really Seems Like It's Time for Him to Go", there are some very frank comments concerning the potential ouster of the Today Show talk show host.  A source in the NBC camp tells PEOPLE that the suspension of the host makes the set feel "surreal" as they grapple with the fallout from the leak of the tape of Access Hollywood, in which presidential candidate Donald Trump is seen making inappropriate comments about women.  Presently, the Today Show staff seem "gossipy" concerning the outcome of the suspension.  While this article makes it clear through various sources that his relationship with fellow co-workers have been strained for some time.

All of this comes as apologies from Bush and comments from producers of the show have made it clear that "there is no excuse for Billy's language and behavior..."  Of course, now Mr. Bush is fearing for his job due to the fallout.

Organizations must find ways to disconnect themselves when there is a breach of integrity or if the organization is enamored with the prospect of being held accountable for the indiscretion of its staff.  The question is whether Billy Bush is either being scapegoated for the overall unaddressed actions years prior, or whether "bad blood" between co-workers in the organization have spilled into the public eye?  I don't have an answer or an opinion, pointing out the fact that in many organizations, it is not until something catastrophic happens, that individuals choose sides either for or against the person being vilified.  Perceptions of impropriety can quickly turn uneasy co-worker relationships into potential all out assaults.

I am not saying Billy Bush is right concerning his actions in 2005 as respect for all women should be paramount, but I do think that it is up to the organization to handle the potential dismissal gracefully, not allowing co-workers to join into the roasting.  In such an open forum as the media, it seems that the predilection of what should be done has been guided by voices of internal co-worker politics.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

It's sunny in Florida...AFTER THE STORM...

to all of the leaders who have decided to follow 

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Today is Sunday and after the week we have had with a little storm called Matthew, we are finally getting some dryer, calmer air.  Our prayers go out to those families who have been displaced or even lost loved ones here and in the Caribbean.

There is a saying that storms bring rain, wind, hail and floods.  But in these parts, storms clear brush, get rid of toxins in our waterways, and helps foster beautiful tropical weather....

The same can be applied to organizations where there are "stormy" periods.  If it were not for the tempest of organizational upheaval, group dynamic conflict or even total meltdown, we as individuals as well as organizations would not grow., we are getting beautiful weather and I believe it is because of the storm....

Well...enjoy your Sunday and see you on Monday when we will talk about organizational development even further....

thepaperpusher out!!!

Friday, October 7, 2016

DIVERSIFY to hedge against CATASTROPHE...

Image result for samsung

$7,000,000,000 Billion in quarterly PROFIT w/ a CATASTROPHE?
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Diversification hedges against loss...even when the loss could be viewed as catastrophic..

This will be short and sweet today folks.  Diversification seems to work.  The fact of the matter is that companies and organizations are hedging their bets against catastrophic losses by simply diversifying their product or service lines.  In some ways, this is like pouring creamer in very strong coffee, changing the model and in many cases, proving to be an effective way to head off potential problems.

In the post by kilokeal, (shout out to dude's page), and through the post, "Samsung Quarterly Earnings Guidance Shrugs Off Galaxy Note 7 Woes", Samsung announced strong third-quarter earnings to its investors in spite of the catastrophic effects of millions of exploding phones in the United States.  The Korean conglomerate boasted profits of over $7B, (like an echo in my ear...$7 operating profit for the three month period ending September 30th.  Let's put this into perspective...shall we?

$7,000,000,000 Billion
583,333,333,333.33 per mo.
$19,444,444.44 per day
$810,185,185 per hr
$13,503.09 per min.

These amount of profits over a quarterly period, in spite of the fact that news reports have been covering the recall of over 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 smartphones for battery related fires.  Although the earnings will not be released until the end of October, strong sales of other products from the organization speak to the robust nature of its diversification of product lines.  As evidenced by its forays into chip making, component supplying, semiconductor manufacturing, etc.  

So...what can we take from this?


The time is NOW for all organizations to look at product modifications, programs and even technologies to begin the diversification process.  In the interim, organizations move with ebbs and flows, improving product lines based upon the outcome of sales.  What if the main focus of increased investment in research and development would place the organization in development mode?  The outcomes would lead to additional development, thinking outside of the box and overall mastery of the existing programs.  Research and development also lends itself to bringing in the development of additional ROI, (return on investment), that results from diversification.  

Unfortunately, there are many who faced defective products in this latest model of the Samsung smartphone line, but overall, the organization seems to be moving in continued upward profit directions.  

The word for the day folks is "DIVERSIFY" 

Monday, October 3, 2016


Are you using of organizational systems organically?

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Over the weekend, the New York Times reported that a presidential candidate reported a $900 million dollar loss in 1995.  In reporting a loss of that magnitude there also came the opportunity to avoid paying federal income taxes for 18 years.  The overall statement of the campaign's surrogates, is that the ability to do so through the following of the tax code, represents "near genius", due to the ability to be able to find various tax breaks.  Overall, it allowed the candidate to build a business, virtually unhinged by the burden of the federal tax code.  As stated, some taxes were paid over the years at all levels of government.  This comes as there have been outcries concerning the release of tax returns, which may contain further information concerning business dealings.

Well, one may ask "what does this have to do with me?  I don't have tons of money and definitely don't find loopholes in the federal tax code.  One of the things that comes with filing income taxes is the fact that organizationally, the current federal tax code does allow individuals various opportunities to write off business operations, charitable contributions and childcare expenses.  There are also other areas such as investment capital gains/losses, costs for various other investments, as well as credits for life's events.  Essentially, we all can utilize the benefits that come from the rules of the tax code. In essence, the code is the code and of course, it is organizationally prudent.

But when you begin to talk about running for the highest office in the land, does it speak to finding benefit in the existing laws or taking advantage of systems.  I have no specific opinion to this, other than to say that organizational systems have points at which maneuverability happens in larger the organizational structure.  It goes without saying that in all areas of corporate and public arenas, the idea using systems to gain an advantage helps and hurts many.  The overall capacity of organizations to create systems puts institutions at risk for possible abuse.  There is an evolution of organizational culture, which comes from rules implemented in an effort to herd both internal and external utilization.

In the research of T.C. Mawhinney, "Evolution of Organization of Organizational Cultures as Selection By Consequences", the discussion of the effects of rules on both internal and external perceptions is discussed.  Essentially, organizational modeling, (i.e. rules) result in an effort to "herd" the masses into a way of thinking, causing the process of running the organization to go "smoothly".  Unfortunately, it also lends itself to rule bending at both the internal and external consumer levels.  True indeed, those who are encouraged to abide by the rules of the organization, look for small ways to yield those rules to their advantage.  The viewpoint is that either rules are bound to happen organically and without intent for the purpose of organization, (Gaia Hypothesis) or through an intentional social bonding, which makes rules even more appealing to bend.

Are rules made to be broken...or just bent?

Just a question of the day.


Sunday, October 2, 2016

It's Sunday..relax...

It's Sunday morning... a wonderful time for family, friends, food and faith....see everyone tomorrow when we will talk about organizational effectiveness.  BTW...totally..."take some time off".

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