Friday, October 14, 2016

Playing life is like playing chess...concentrate and calculate...

Concentrate on the next move...if something feels wrong...

Image result for man concentrating
Wenston DeSue-Author

In working within organizations, among people with different attitudes, personalities, professional viewpoints and even progressive or regressive business states, we tend to forget our first minds.  Today, there are many voices swirling around, making claims and engaging our attention.  What we have to do is stop, take a minute and listen to that still small voice that encourages us to actions.  If we listen to the still, small voice within ourselves, we will find the answers that we need concerning many an issue.  Whether it relates to personal, professional and even spiritual guidance, everyone knows when things are moving in the right direction, stagnated in process or regressing to a virtual standstill.

Life is a series of calculated moves and given the right opportunity, involve decisive action.

This morning, I have decided to take a different tact with these blog posts as for some strange reason, the negatives seem to outweigh the positives. We must all make a conscious effort add positives to the conversation in every area.  All I am going to say this morning is that if something just feels probably is...go with that.


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