Monday, September 5, 2016

The Beauty of Individual Change...An Organizational Perspective...


Image result for pictures of gandhi protesting

In the spirit of the day of rest and recognition for all those who labor to provide for themselves and their families, we here at would like to give the utmost respect. Since that includes everyone, we would like to give everyone their proper due acknowledgements on this day.  

History has been filled with individuals, who go to work for groups and then those groups organize for the purpose of standing up for the rights of those who make the organizations who they are. Unfortunately, many of these individuals go unrecognized, but all the same, deserve the utmost respect.  But, all the same, there are some who have moved to help improve entire organizational structures.

Gandhi said
 "Our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world, as in being able to remake ourselves..."

How does this go hand in hand with organizational effectiveness and group dynamics?  Well, if you look at groups in relation to spheres of influence, group relations, organizational dynamics and even dysfunction, you will see that in most cases, the individuals involved in making groups work, are also the ones that can make or break the machine.  There is no ghost in the machine as it is clearly evident that when organizations succeed or fail, it can be traced back to individuals exerting their fair amount of input into those successes or failures.  

Whether it is from internal posturing or external influence, the congruent actions of the individual to determine the outcome of the group have wide and ever expanding affects.  The individual must realize that in order to cause real change, they must look inside of themselves and assess if their ultimate goal is for personal or group gain.  

Just like Gandhi, we must look for changes in ourselves if we wish for the organizational environments to succeed.  An entire country was changed because one man decided to change and broaden his sphere of influence.

Well...that's all for now...enjoy the holiday!

The Paper Pushers are out...

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